OCTAVIA - The Sound Experience

Discover the new dimension of inner peace

OCTAVIA is more than a soundscape; it’s a journey into self-awareness, an awakening, and a connection with the universe. Built upon the foundation of 432-Hz music, fractal noise, nature sounds, and frequencies that synchronize brainwave activity, OCTAVIA offers an unparalleled listening experience that bridges the gap between science, spirituality, and consciousness research.

Achieve a State of Elevated Clarity and Calm

Utilizing a specially developed process that uniquely harnesses the interplay of sounds, a “standing wave” is created within the brain between the hippocampi. The hippocampus, a vital part of the brain for learning and memory, works closely with the pineal gland. Together, they support clarity, mental tranquility, and a profound understanding of your inner worlds. This unique combination unlocks previously unattainable vibrational states.

Strengthen Your Body's Magnetic Field

In a time seemingly ruled by chaos, OCTAVIA unfolds an organizing structure, connecting you with your inherent magnetic forces. The scientific principles behind OCTAVIA, including quantum physics and natural sciences, empower you to fortify your own magnetic forces and experience a new level of consciousness. It is a response to the changing cosmic conditions and an invitation to tap into the abilities that lie dormant within you.

Awaken to Your True Self

The journey with OCTAVIA is a path to your true self, a transformation, and an ascent to a higher vibrational plane. The fundamental self-awareness experienced through OCTAVIA leads to joy, love, and gratitude, keys to your personal ascent.

Comprehensive Documentation for In-Depth Understanding

Learn more about the multifaceted aspects of OCTAVIA in a 20-page booklet filled with comprehensive documentation that provides a plethora of information and insights. Topics include the significant role of the hippocampus and the pineal gland in the brain, the specific importance of the 8-Hz frequency, the connection between emotion and magnetic field, the scientific foundations of the sounds, and much more. This documentation serves as an informative base and is a guide and deepening resource for those wanting to fully exploit the potential of the experience.

The OCTAVIA booklet also includes a frequency image painted by the Athenian doctor and artist Korina Lymnioudi, aimed at visually enhancing the effect of OCTAVIA. Her work is based on information from higher dimensions and is meant to reprogram the subconscious for the full unfolding of consciousness.

Your Gateway to Self-Realization

Octavia is more than a sound composition; it’s a complete system that paves the way for genuine self-exploration, enlightenment, and awakening. This sonic journey helps you dissolve seemingly uncontrollable thoughts and enter a state of true authenticity, a necessary step for your next evolutionary leap.

Experience the True Nature of Yourself

Allow OCTAVIA to take you on a journey, far from noise and distraction. In this state, the sound of your true essence unfolds, and you can feel and experience your authentic nature. It’s not an endpoint but a path to be yourself, supported by a solid scientific foundation and spiritual insight.

Are you ready to begin the journey? OCTAVIA opens the gate. Your self-realization and true awakening await you.

Meet the team

Dieter Broers (Biophysicist, Author and Inventor)

Born in 1951, Dieter Broers is a renowned German biophysicist, researcher, and author.

He has specialised in the study of electromagnetic fields and their impact on biological systems.

Known for bridging science and spirituality, he explores how frequencies can influence human consciousness.

He has published 14 books, including works such as “Verschlusssache Zirbeldrüse” (Secrets of the Pineal Gland). He’s also known for his online seminars like “NOW,” “NOW 2,” “SHIFT!,” “Possible Futures,” and “Time of Decisions.” In 2009, he released the film (R)Evolution 2012 and reissued Solar (R)Evolution in 2012. OCTAVIA is his third audio CD following AUMEGA and THETAIOS.

Simon Fox (Music producer, Consciousness Researcher, and Inventor)

Simon Fox is a consciousness researcher, inventor, and a multiple award-winning classical music producer.

He has developed a series of consciousness-expanding technologies based on electromagnetic, scalar, and sound waves.

His invention ‘Lifespace’, known as a solution against electromagnetic pollution, has been featured in the books of Dieter Broers as well as other renowned authors.

Dear Friends,

With this sound composition, a vision that I had about 20 years ago is now finally realized. As I see it today, this “gift from above” is especially meant for the present time of the final awakening in terms of our self-development.

In this spirit, I wish you from the bottom of my heart all the perceptions that our minds have previously held back. For it will be these that can propel us to the next stage of evolution.

Me Agape,

Dieter Broers

“The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new.”


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Content of the sound work


"WOW! That was simply incredible - I felt a distinct 'pulling effect' behind the sinuses, in a downward triangle from the tip of my nose to each corner of my eyes. An overwhelming joy came over me, bringing me to tears - tears ran down my face - truly incredible. I sensed various sensations/corrections in my body - afterward, I drifted into silence and only realized after a few minutes of quiet that I was in the calm zone. BRILLIANT!"
D.B., Bioresonance-therapist, London
With this version, my perception was immediately entirely different. In no time, my mind cleared, and a delightful, unfamiliar calmness came over me, wonderful!!!
Rita M.
Dear Dieter, thank you so much for this marvelous sound piece; it indeed transports one to other spheres. It's like a vibrating current rushing through one!
Martin F.

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OCTAVIA - The Sound Experience

$ 49
  • Sound work in 53 minutes length
  • Download includes high quality 24-bit WAV files
  • Additionally good quality mp3 for mobile devices.
  • Detailed accompanying booklet including instructions

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